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                                  May 1, 2023 @ 2:32 pm


                                  Harold Cordner, MD joins us today to discuss the mechanics of new-era practice management. Dr. Cordner has just been sworn in as President of ASIPP, and is actively practicing in Vero Beach, Florida. Dr. Cordner gives us perspective on the need to continue to treat our patients based on necessity, and the obligation to relieve suffering in those that present to us on a daily basis. There is a balance, and Dr. Cordner helps us navigate the difficulties of making the right decisions for the right reasons on the right patient.


                                  I think you'll enjoy this podcast. Dr. Cordner has years of experience, and that's very clear in this interview. He is confident, a leader in our field, and adds inspirational wisdom to our challenges that we see before us. The “New Norm” changes everyday, but the thoughtful and responsible practice of medicine is stalwart. Take a listen.

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                                  Our guest today is Amol Soin M.D., a physician that is well known to our members, and an individual who is an expert financier. He is the developer of many important businesses, that not only have been monetized, but brought to the public domain. So this makes him an obvious choice to help us understand the financial obstacles and forward thinking problems that we have experienced with this COVID-19 virus pandemic. His insight and understanding of our current struggles, is punctuated by his knowledge of stimulus monies and packages that are available to us.


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                                  April 16, 2023 @ 10:28 am


                                  Today's podcast is interesting as well as informative, with a very special guest. Dr Kevin Pho, a physician whom you may recognize as KevinMD.com, is sounding off about the “New Norm”. With the Covid-19 pandemic impact, and our current practice struggles, Dr. Pho reveals terrific insight and ideas on the idiosyncrasies of our current practice challenges. We discuss forward thoughts to our new professional world, and the rapidly changing way we approach our patients. Unfortunately, ASIPP rescheduled Dr. Pho as our keynote speaker at the canceled April  annual meeting, however, we look forward to seeing him at our annual meeting in September.

                                  Dr. Pho is a physician entrepreneur, a social media expert, and has millions of page views monthly at KevinMD.com. Healthcare workers, and providers from all specialties, contribute value to his site, and ultimately to you, the reader. Remarkably, Dr. Pho not only has time to review blogger submissions, which are in the hundreds, but continues to practice internal medicine in New Hampshire. I hope you enjoy this podcast as much as I learned from our discussion. Come say hi to Dr. Pho at the annual meeting. He is approachable, and a terrific mentor for those that want to better understand social media, and the broad perspective of our new world. We’ll see you September in Dallas, and above all, stay safe.

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                                  January 26, 2023 @ 6:16 pm

                                  Andrea Trescot, MD takes on the subject of Controlled Substance Management

                                  Enter the Grand Dame of pain in our universe. Andrea Trescot, MD. She is fast becoming a Titan in our field. Dr. Trescot has begun her ascent, and there's no stopping her. Andrea and I have been friends for years, and her potential was recognized as unlimited years ago.  When you get a chance to talk to her(she's eminently approachable) have her talk to you about the time she worked at Walter Reed when Reagan came in after he was shot. She was one of the docs that took care of him. Sooooo, how about now. Take it fast forward to the pain management world and her renowned position in the World Institute of Pain and Pain School International, which she founded. Dr. Trescot travels the world educating physicians to fill the void where pain care is early in development, undoubtedly impacting thousands of patients. She comes home, and speaks at the ASIPP® Annual Meeting, where this was recorded. It has been my honor and privilege to be her friend, and I will consider her a mentor forever. She had this little project, we'll call it a hobby, that resulted in 900 pages of peripheral nerve knowledge put to words - "friends don't let friends write books". This work will be referenced for the next century.

                                  In this podcast the versatile Dr. Trescot takes on the subject of controlled substance management. The opioid crisis as it really is. You think, "Will this ever end? Are we it? Did we do it?"  This is a perspective you need to hear. Think about it, we are doing the best we can for our patients with what we have, and the tools laid before us. Her lecture today is a fantastic explanation of how the "world according to me if you choose to ignore the facts" doesn't exist. She lays it out. It's very clear, and I believe that her understanding and intellectual expansiveness has taken us to a more comfortable position with controlled substances. Sound interesting? Take a listen. 

                                  Oh, and by the way, some of the sound may be horrible on my end, this is another podcast in the car.

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                                  August 6, 2023 @ 3:33 pm


                                  In this podcast, we have three distinguished leaders in the field of pain medicine. John V. Prunskis, MD, FIPP and Terri Dallas-Prunskis, MD, both pain docs, are on ASIPP®Pod for the first time. Highly experienced, they have been figures in the Chicago area for years. I have known them as skilled colleagues, skied with them, and always have had a great time being around them. Standiford Helm II, MD, MBA, received the ASIPP®Lifetime Achievement Award this year, and I consider this the top of the professional ladder. I am honored to know him, and the other Lifetime Achievement Award winner, Andrea Trescot, MD. Andrea is a true leader in our specialty, and a most deserving recipient.

                                  I have matured through my career with them all, watched the specialty grow- because of their contributions, our patients have benefited. This was a fun interview to sit down and talk CDC guidelines, the opioid crisis, amongst a number of contemporary issues that face us all. The practice of pain medicine, regenerative care, and where this specialty is headed was opined. This is a robust career choice. As Terry Kath (Chicago lead guitar) once said "Let's keep this party going!" Tanglewood 1970, YouTube.

                                  Hope you enjoy this, and yes, I feel privileged to have shared time with them. And it's never enough time, never frequent enough, but let's take this podcast and enjoy it over and over.

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                                  Miles Day of Texas Tech Discusses Multiple Pain Management Topics

                                  Miles Day, MD, DABA, FIPP, DABIPP, Treweek/ Racz Endowed Professor in Pain Research, Pain Management Fellowship Program Director, Department of Anesthesiology, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center discusses pain management with Hans Hansen, Interventional Pain physician and the ASIPP Podcast producer. Dr. Day is internationally known throughout the pain community by face and name. He is the Program Director of the Pain Management Fellowship Program at one of the leading institutes for training and developing pain management as we know it. Dr. Day takes us through an interesting discussion about what it takes to be competent to sit for the Board Exam. Only 300 passed the test last year and can enter the world of pain management and be able to help those that suffer the most with painful conditions. It's an evolving field and keeping residents abreast of safe and effective techniques is daunting. Dr. Day also discusses where the pain management field is headed. Join us on this journey with Dr. Day and his perspective from one of the premiere pain management institutes in the world.

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                                  October 17, 2018 @ 7:53 pm


                                  Hans Hansen, MD, ASIPP President is back with another of his excellent podcasts. He is in the Medical Education Research Institute, located in Memphis, attending the ASIPP October courses including Lumbar Endoscopic Spinal Decompression, Regenerative Medicine, Neuromodulation, and Interventional Techniques. Dr. Hansen explains that ASIPP will be recording ASIPP courses and making them available to the world. So in the near future you'll be able to listen to podcasts on Interventional Techniques from your car, home, boat, etc. Look for that in near future.

                                  At the October meeting Dr. Hansen ambushed Ricardo Vallejo, MD, Bloomington, IL. He was on the faculty of the Interventional Techniques Comprehensive Review Course and Cadaver Workshop. Dr. Vallejo has been partners with Ramsin Benyamin for over 15 years. He has a PhD in Immunology, Chief Resident at the University of Miami, and did his fellowship at Mass General. He is considered a worl leader in Stimulation and shares his ideas during this podcast.

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                                  June 21, 2018 @ 7:33 pm


                                  Join Dr. Hans Hansen with another great podcast. They get better every time. This episode has Dr. Hansen interviewing Dike Drummond, Physician and Author of 'Stop Physician Burnout.' The interview centers on how the Happy MD, Dike Drummond, works with Mr Anonymous in identifying and addressing what causes burnout, how to recognize it, and what you can do to cope with it. He has the experience to sympathize with Mr. Anonymous and other physicians suffering from burnout. Learn how to avoid it and listen today!

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                                  February 7, 2018 @ 9:15 pm


                                  Greetings ASIPPians,

                                  Today’s episode is from the Oquendo Center in Las Vegas, Nevada. Last November we had an interventional training camp where Frank Falco, MD jumped in with Steve Adleman, MD and enthusiastic participants to learn more about advanced spinal procedures. In particular, percutaneous discectomy. Frank and Steve are experts. I also interviewed Dr. Doug Beal, MD. He is an interventional radiologist and I was wholly impressed with his station. It was fascinating listening to his demonstration of advanced techniques to block pain production in the knee and hip. Frances Riegler, MD will be sorely missed when he retires and we appreciate his service with ASIPP over the years. He gives us a brief overview of the upcoming annual meeting. Maya Raj Andreadis and the leaders of Pain Cast were there documenting these procedures and finding interviews as well. It was a very successful cadaver course. Each one ASIPP brings forward is better and better. Any opportunity that folks can go and learn these new procedures and techniques will come away saying “wow I’m glad I did that.” Enjoy this podcast. I look forward to seeing you at the annual meeting and future gatherings.

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                                  October 12, 2017 @ 5:16 pm

                                  2017 ASIPP® Washington Legislative Trip

                                  Greetings ASIPPians,

                                  Today's episode is about our trip to Washington. This annual pilgimage was targeted to advocacy for our patients, and hopes for deregulation. We all know what that means. This episode includes a number of familiar voices, people, and exciting new additions such as our lobbyist, Jeff Mortier, Congressman Whitfield, and Vanila Singh, MD, an ASIPP member now serving with Health and Human Services-now isn't that cool? Deep dive into the listen, from the pre-visit briefing, to the morning session, and post-visit commentary. Enjoy!

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