May 1, 2023 @ 2:32 pm
Harold Cordner, MD joins us today to discuss the mechanics of new-era practice management. Dr. Cordner has just been sworn in as President of ASIPP, and is actively practicing in Vero Beach, Florida. Dr. Cordner gives us perspective on the need to continue to treat our patients based on necessity, and the obligation to relieve suffering in those that present to us on a daily basis. There is a balance, and Dr. Cordner helps us navigate the difficulties of making the right decisions for the right reasons on the right patient.
I think you'll enjoy this podcast. Dr. Cordner has years of experience, and that's very clear in this interview. He is confident, a leader in our field, and adds inspirational wisdom to our challenges that we see before us. The “New Norm” changes everyday, but the thoughtful and responsible practice of medicine is stalwart. Take a listen.